Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Digital LCD screen turn blank

I love photography and my camera is always in my bag.I am a bit upset today.This morning my camera really gave me a big surprise.The lcd screen on my Sony digital camera is blank (white).Miss A has a school show later in the evening and I really need the camera.I don't know what is wrong with it.I tried to on and off several times but it still won't help at all.

The LCD screen works when pressing but no image on the screen.After snapping few shots without focusing,I tried to download it in my computer and it seems the camera did captured what I had snapped.I have no choice but to use my old version of Nikon coolpix.Actually I love this Nikon camera a lot.There a problem with this camera is that the battery always goes dead when you need it the most.which did not last very long although I use the excellent battery life bodies.It's only can takes less then 10 shots.Anyhow,what to do-have to use this later and see how many picture I can take.Geee!what a day.

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