Friday, September 12, 2008

A terrible exposure at home

A lot of kids nowsaday learn musical instrument these days though most of them learned to play the recorder in elementary school.The first instrument I had was a recorder.I still remember how to use a recorder!I can’t say I really remember how to play anymore.Hehe!but if I manage to get a quick overview of the notes again I’m sure I’d be able to pick it up quickly.

When I learned the recorder it was a compulsory music lesson in primary school.As far as I can remember,we were given it right from the very beginning and I don't think anyone struggled to get the hang of it quickly so most of the time we will get a special reward-up!that's mean a whipped on our hand.It's a very strict lesson at school.

I think playing a recorder is just something fun to do when you’re little but sadly I found it kind of pressure and started to hate it when the music teacher abuse us and expect us to be perfect.

The recorder is something that’s definitely interesting to learn and can also sound surprisingly good depending on how it is used.Yes!this is also an entertainment that need a ear plugs at home.Where now both my kids started to play with it after school that send me nuts everyday.


bluecrystaldude said...

Recoder huh? I have 2 when I was a kid. A white and a black one. But I can't seems to remember how to play it. Well, I guess you could just blow it out and close any of the holes. LOL

Sweetiepie said...

dude-hehe!good idea close the holes and blow the terrible song.

andrewjune said...

hahaha...enjoy your "peaceful" moments with your kids when they are playing their recorders hehehe...

Nessa said...

When I first heard of a recorder, my first thought was the old radio that plays and record cassettes!

So, when my niece showed me a recorder, imagine my surprise :D

I can't play any musical instruments, I've always wanted to play the drums but never had the time.

Sweetiepie said...

andrewjune-ya you are right from now on i don't have a peaceful day.:(

nessa-hehehe!kind of confuse eh!if you search the recorder in google you will probably get the cassette kind of recorder.I love drums too.Especially the beat. :)