Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What a waste

The weather will be getting cooler and can't stand the cold now.So that's mean I have to make a little in my wardrobe.A week ago,I was browsing TheShoppingchannel.com to search for clearance stuff you know that's something I have to look forward to.I found a Faux fur coat on sale for Cad20 bucks(original is cad179).I was very excited so I added it in my shopping cart.Before I check out and make my payment,I was like trying to look for other stuff so that I can save up my shipping cost.When I want to checkout,the screen turn the item into this words(Sold Out).

Argggggggg!that's really make me frustrated and sad at the same time.You know,this wasn't the first time happened to me.The fur coat is the last one and with the size XS.Not only the coat are very cheap but it's looks comfortable. I love this coat!!!Anyway,what can I do huh!Just let it be.And the lesson is you snooze you lose!


bluecrystaldude said...

Haha... You snooze you lose.. It really suit your condition well. Anyway, just keep on checking it. May be it will restock later on :D

Here in Malaysia, it's getting cooler too.. Sigh.. Raining all day long

Sweetiepie said...

dude-hehe!i guess i will be a sales snatch winner onee day.

Nessa said...

Lucky you! Send some cold weather here... it's scorching outside :*(