Friday, August 22, 2008

Old fashioned way of writing a letter

As I sat down to write this blog,however, it occurred to me I should "lighten up" a bit.I have something else in mind.I found a pile of old love letters in my closet which I kept for a long time.Nowsaday people (me included) also seldom send letters.I remembered I used to write letters to my best friends and penpal then when I was studying.In the old days, before the net, I would write a lot of letters.
Only letters I hand-write these days (as opposed to foot-write which I still do; it's impossible for the police to figure out my personality that way) are the ones accompanying some odd thing I've found in corn flakes, or that last one, the pebble in the ritter sport bar. This letter is usually prepared for first with a barrage of emails; it worked at Vimy Ridge, and works too, I can attest, with large corporate entities.
Today,my handwritten is terrible even doctors can't read it.Whenever I got a chance to write a letter to someone I still prefer using text typed which I thought is much nicer.It even allows me something I've never been able to do in writing like edit or delete.Email is so easy and brings us in touch with people quickly but I remember how fun it was to find I'd received a letter from someone.I have pen pals in different countries, and its nice to receive a letter hand written in old days.It's been so long since I wrote a letter or even mailed anything that I honestly have no clue how much a stamp even costs.I really value handwritten notes and use every time I need to thank someone
Since so few people write letters nowadays, it's so much more meaningful when you actually take the time to write real letters or send birthday cards,instead of simply sending an e-card.Most girls really like to get actual letters in the mail, in my experience.But in this day and age it is considered old-fashioned and silly.But I think that love letters are fabulous.No matter how eccentric,it is a piece of you.It is a personal way to express ones emotions and feelings to another person they care about.
My kids love to write letters or cards and every time I make them write birthday card for their cousins,Aunts and grandma.I really hope the kids nowsaday knows how to write a letter and appreciate the value of someone handwritten notes.Does anyone out there still write letters the "old-fashioned" way?


Xander Qruze said...

yeah, typing a lot usually kinda screws up handwriting. The only time I do write would be on my journals..for ideas that suddenly go 'pop' in my head..I wonder why the pen & paper has a certain 'appeal'..hmm..not sure..

janice said...

woman ... where hv you been ar... so busy ka ???

do update more ook.. promise..

Applepie said...

Xander-Ya sometimes I do have this problem too.:)Thanks for dropping by

janicepa-sorry dear,I am still here,it's just because I am really enjoying my summer.:P
I promise and try to update more ya..