Friday, May 2, 2008

Our house almost break-in

Since I moved here over one year ago, there was several occasion our apartment locker were broken in and other cars were broken into too.Anyway,our apartment was break in last night.It was around 2:30am,hubby came home woke me up and told me that someone was trying to broke into our hallway.He said when he parked the car,he saw two guys were walking down to the ground parking lot with two bicycles.At that moment,he suspect something wasn't right.So he quickly checked the the hallway exit door latch and found the door was unlocked and partially opened.

Apparently something wasn't right here because the hallway exit door never in a partially open position.Then he checked our house door and luckily the deadbolt didn't break.Everything is fine no break in.After that he went back to the parking lot again with the exit door partially opened.He went back into his car-I don't know why he did that at that time-but I don't think he should taking such risk.Anyhow,he laid back down and wait within a few minutes trying to make sure everything is fine.He was right something really happened.

After 10 minutes later he saw the two guys walked back toward the parking lot area,opened the hallway exit door and went in.Hubby was very sure that they aren't our neighbour because we know each other very well.Besides inside the hallway only has four units and it is impossible that a visitor can access the hallway and the parking lot except the tenants.So I think they might break in somewhere from the visitor parking lot exit.Well,to cut the story short,before they tried to break in(we don't know which one they target to break in),hubby quickly got out of the car and yelled at them(our parking space is only ten steps away from the hallway exit door)and asked what they were doing inside our hallway.They were pretty calm at that moment.One of them muffled some answer and explained that they were just looking for friend at the ground floor.This gave hubbyeven more suspicious,making them a liar already.So hubby approached them sternly saying that our hallway doesn't link to ground floor.He told them he is going to call the cops now.Then both of them quickly walked off through the other exit door(link to the emergency door)and left.

At this point hubby decided to call the police and let them know what had happened.He gave them a description of the guys and the cop said they would send someone over to check things out but the cop didn't come.Sometimes I really think that our cop here are racism because whenever my hubby called the cop they don't even care and did they ever solve the problem.

Well,now I’m not able to go to bed, so I decided to share my story with you. I was so scared when I heard all this happened. I can’t help but think, what if my hubby didn't come home at that time that two ignorant guys already breaks into my apartment.Oh man!I'm too scared to sleep tonight.


posh_post said...

hey that's scary...have you considered moving to another place?

Applepie said...

Posh post-No it's pretty hard to find an affordable house here now.Especially in this beautiful area.:(